Investor Relations

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting 2024  
The Annual General Meeting of Westwing Group SE took place in Munich (Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft) on 19 June 2024.  
Please note: The following documents are English convenience translations only. Please find the binding German versions here.  
Voting Results  
Voting Results of the Annual General Meeting 2024
Agenda and Information pursuant to Sec. 125 AktG  
Convening of the Annual General Meeting 2024 including Agenda
Information pursuant to sec. 125 para. 1 and 2 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), art. 4 para. 1, table 3 of the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212
Documents for Agenda Item 1  
Annual Report 2023 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report and the Combined Non-Financial Report
Annual Financial Statements 2023 of Westwing Group SE
Supervisory Board Report
Explanatory Report of the Management Board on the disclosure pursuant to sec. 289a, sec. 315a German Commercial Code (HGB)
Explanations on Agenda Item 1
Documents for Agenda Item 4  
Information regarding the Auditor
Documents for Agenda Item 6  
Remuneration Report for Westwing Group SE for the fiscal year 2023
Documents for Agenda Item 7  
CV Candidate
Documents for Agenda Item 8  
Management Board Report Exclusion of Subscription Rights  
Report of the Management Board on agenda item 8 (Resolution on cancellation of the existing authorization to acquire and use treasury shares and the granting of a new authorization to acquire and use treasury shares, including the authorization to cancel treasury shares acquired, to reduce the capital and to exclude shareholders’ subscription rights)
Report Use of Treasury Shares  
Report of the Management Board on utilization of the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 5 August 2021 to acquire treasury shares and to use them excluding the shareholders' subscription rights
Notification of the resolution on the acquisition of treasury shares  
Notification of the resolution on the acquisition of treasury shares and their utilisation pursuant to Section 49 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 2 WpHG
Articles of Association and further information  
Articles of Association of Westwing Group SE (dated 3 April 2024)
Total number of shares and voting rights
Information on Shareholders' Rights
Information on data protection
Proxy Forms  
Form for proxy to third parties and for the proxies appointed by the Company with voting instructions
Revocation of proxy
Annual General Meeting 2023  
The Annual General Meeting of Westwing Group SE took place in Munich (Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft) on May 16, 2023.  
Voting Results  
Voting Results
Agenda and Information pursuant to Sec. 125 AktG  
Convening of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2023 including Agenda
Information pursuant to sec. 125 para. 1 and 2 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), art. 4 para. 1, table 3 of the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212
Documents for Agenda Item 1  
Annual Report 2022 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report and the Combined Non-Financial Report
Annual Financial Statements 2022 of Westwing Group SE
Supervisory Board Report
Explanatory Report of the Management Board on the disclosure pursuant to sec. 289a, sec. 315a German Commercial Code (HGB)
Explanations on Agenda Item 1
Documents for Agenda Item 4  
Information regarding the Auditor
Documents for Agenda Item 5  
Remuneration Report for Westwing Group SE for the fiscal year 2022
Documents for Agenda Item 6  
Remuneration System for members of the Management Board
Documents for Agenda Item 7  
CV Christoph Barchewitz
CV Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler
CV Michael Hoffmann
CV Susanne Samwer
CV Mareike Wächter
status as of the convening of the AGM CV Update Mareike Wächter (as of May 2023)
Documents for Agenda Item 9  
Report of the Management Board to the Annual General Meeting on agenda item 9 pursuant to art. 5 SE Regulation in conjunction with sections 221 (4), 186 (4) sentence 2 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Documents for Agenda Item 10  
Report of the Management Board to the Annual General Meeting on agenda item 10 pursuant to art. 5 SE Regulation in conjunction with sections 203 (2), 186 (4) sentence 2 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Articles of Association and further information  
Articles of Association of Westwing Group SE (dated July 4th, 2022)
Total number of shares and voting rights
Information on Shareholders' Rights
Information on data protection
Proxy Forms  
Form for proxy to third parties and for the proxies appointed by the Company with voting instructions
Revocation of proxy
Annual General Meeting 2022  
The Annual General Meeting of Westwing Group SE took place on May 18, 2022.  
Voting Results  
Voting Results
Agenda and Information pursuant to Sec. 125 AktG  
Convening of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2022 including Agenda
Information pursuant to sec. 125 para. 1 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), art. 4 para. 1, table 3 of the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212
Documents for Agenda Item 1  
Annual Report 2021 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report and the Combined Non-Financial Report of Westwing Group AG (now Westwing Group SE) and Westwing Group
Annual Financial Statements 2021 of Westwing Group AG (now Westwing Group SE)
Supervisory Board Report
Explanatory Report of the Management Board on the Information pursuant to sec. 289a, Sec. 315a German Commercial Code (HGB)
Explanations on Agenda Item 1
Documents for Agenda Item 4  
Information on the Auditor
Documents for Agenda Item 5  
Remuneration Report
Documents for Agenda Item 6  
Remuneration System for the Supervisory Board
Documents for Agenda Item 7  
Report of the Management Board pursuant to article 5 SE Regulation in conjunction with sections 203 para. 2, 186 para. 4 sentence 2 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding agenda item 7 (Authorized Capital 2022/I)
Documents for Agenda Item 8  
Report of the Management Board pursuant to article 5 SE Regulation in conjunction with sections 203 para. 2, 186 para. 4 sentence 2 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) regarding agenda item 8 (Authorized Capital 2022/II)
Documents for Agenda Items 9 and 10  
Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement between Westwing Group SE and Westwing Bitterfeld Logistics GmbH
Joint report of the Management Board of Westwing Group SE and the management of Westwing Bitterfeld Logistics GmbH on the Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement
Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement between Westwing Group SE and Westwing Delivery Service GmbH
Joint report of the Management Board of Westwing Group SE and the management of Westwing Delivery Service GmbH on the Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement
Annual Report 2021 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report and the Combined Non-Financial Report of Westwing Group AG (now Westwing Group SE) and Westwing Group
Annual Financial Statements as of 31 December 2021 of Westwing Group AG (now Westwing Group SE)
Annual Report 2020 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report of Westwing Group AG (now Westwing Group SE) and Westwing Group
Annual Financial Statements as of 31 December 2020 of Westwing Group AG (now Westwing Group SE)
Annual Report 2019 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report of Westwing Group AG (now Westwing Group SE) and Westwing Group
Annual Financial Statements as of 31 December 2019 of Westwing Group AG (now Westwing Group SE)
Annual financial statements of Westwing Bitterfeld Logistics GmbH for the 2021 short fiscal year (unaudited)
Annual financial statements of Westwing Delivery Service GmbH for the 2021 short fiscal year (unaudited)
Documents for Agenda Item 11  
CV Supervisory Board Candidate
Articles of Association and further information  
Articles of Association of Westwing Group SE
Total number of shares and voting rights
Information on Shareholders' Rights
Information on data protection
Proxy Forms  
Proxy and Voting Instructions to a Third Party and Proxy Holders of the Company
Revocation of Proxy
Annual General Meeting 2021  
The Annual General Meeting of Westwing Group AG took place on Thursday, August 5, 2021 by way of a virtual general meeting. Here you find relevant information on the Annual General Meeting 2021  
Voting Results of the Annual General Meeting 2021
Agenda, Information according Sec. 125 AktG, Letter to Shareholders  
Notice of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2021 including Agenda
Information according Sec. 125 Para. 1 and 2 AktG, Art. 4 Sect. 1, Table 3 of the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212
Letter to Shareholders
Concerning Item 1  
Annual Report 2020 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report and the Combined Non-Financial Report of Westwing Group AG and Westwing Group
Annual Financial Statements 2020 of Westwing Group AG including the Combined Management Report of Westwing Group AG and Westwing Group (available in German only)
Supervisory Board Report for the Annual Report 2020
Explanatory Management Reports on the information required pursuant to Sec. 289a Para. 1, Sec. 315a Para. 1 HGB German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch)
Explanations on Agenda Item 1
Concerning Item 7  
Compensation system for the members of the Management Board
Concerning Item 8  
Compensation system for the members of the Supervisory Board
Concerning Items 9 and 10 as well as Management Board Reports  
Report from the Management Board on Agenda Item 9 And Agenda Item 10
Report from the Management Board on utilization of the authorization of the General Meeting of September 21, 2018 to acquire treasury shares and to use them excluding the shareholders’ subscription rights
Report from the Management Board on partial utilization of the Authorized Capital 2018/I excluding the shareholders’ subscription rights
Report from the Management Board on partial utilization of the Authorized Capital 2018/III excluding the shareholders’ subscription rights
Report from the Management Board on partial utilization of the Authorized Capital 2018/IV excluding the shareholders’ subscription rights
Concerning Item 11  
Notarized Draft Terms of Conversion dated June 16, 2021, including the Articles of Association of Westwing Group SE attached as an Annex
Conversion Report of the Management Board of Westwing Group AG dated June 18, 2021
Certificate of the independent court-appointed experts Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Arnulfstraße 59, 80656 Munich, pursuant to Article 37(6) SE Regulation
Annual Report 2020 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report and the Combined Non-Financial Report of Westwing Group AG and Westwing Group
Annual Financial Statements 2020 of Westwing Group AG including the Combined Management Report of Westwing Group AG and Westwing Group (available in German only)
Annual Report 2019 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report and the Combined Non-Financial Report of Westwing Group AG and Westwing Group
Annual Financial Statements 2019 of Westwing Group AG including the Combined Management Report of Westwing Group AG and Westwing Group (available in German only)
Annual Report 2018 including the Consolidated Financial Statements, the Combined Management Report and the Combined Non-Financial Report of Westwing Group AG and Westwing Group
Annual Financial Statements 2018 of Westwing Group AG including the Combined Management Report of Westwing Group AG and Westwing Group (available in German only)
Concerning Items 6 and 12  
CV Christoph Barchewitz
CV Thomas Harding
CV Michael Hoffmann
CV Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler
CV Mareike Wächter
Articles of Association and further information  
Articles of Association of Westwing Group AG (dated February 3, 2021)
Total number of shares and voting rights
Information on Shareholders' Rights
Proxy Forms  
Proxy to a Third Party
Proxy and Voting Instructions to Proxy Holders of the Company
Revocation of Proxy
Countermotions and Election Proposals  
Currently there are no counter proposals or proposals for election.